Manzy Lowry may not look or sound like your typical Texas singer-songwriter, but just like Terry Allen, he doesn’t need to look or sound a certain way to claim his roots in the land.

As a matter of fact, Manzy’s roots spread much further. A true child of the Great American Southwest, he spent his childhood floating through West Texas, Arizona, and southern New Mexico. By the time he started writing and playing music as a student at Angelo State University, he brought a fluent and unique voice to a music scene oversaturated with machismo, pick-up trucks, and songs about drinking for drinking’s sake.

After graduating college, Manzy moved to the Texas Hill Country to sow his songs on the fertile ground of those who came before him. For years, he would be a regular at picker’s circles and song-swaps, playing his originals and absorbing the nuances of those around him. After his time learning from undersung masters like Kent Finlay, Doug Moreland, and Corb Lund, he recorded his first album with Zach Huckabee in 2012.

With its release, “Muddy Waters” gave an audience a sound they didn’t know they were missing and allowed him and his band to start breaking the borders of the endless regional circuits of his peers. Planting his flag across his native Southwest, Manzy also developed a loyal following in the less-frequented but culturally rich areas of Idaho, South Louisiana, and the Great Plains.

As a more mature songwriter, and at the helm of a more mature band, he went into the studio with virtuoso David Beck to record 2018’s “Warm Wine.” Recounting stories of mountains, buffalo hides, snow, beers, heartbreak, tornadoes, and salvation, the Manzy Lowry Band cut a swath of folk-rock and Americana through 20 states and 200+ shows through the end of 2019.

Coming into the new decade, Manzy keeps up his progress and is working with some of the finest music business professionals in both Texas and Tennessee, ensuring that an authentic voice is still whistling down that four-lane Amarillo highway, landing somewhere near, or not so near, to you.


Cory Michael


Roger Mitzel